



Course overview

Biology is the study of the natural systems of the living world. It is characterised by a view of life as a unique phenomenon with fundamental unity. Living processes and systems have many interacting factors that make quantification and prediction difficult. The study of Biology will help you to understand the consequences of your personal actions and those of your community and society on the living world. It will enable you to participate as informed and responsible citizens in decision-making processes, the outcomes of which will affect the living world both now and in the future

Course outline

Unit 1: Cells as a basis for life, Multicellular organisms

Unit 2: Homeostasis and Infectious Disease

Unit 3: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (Field Trip)

Unit 4: Genetics and Continuity of life on Earth


Course overview

Chemistry is the investigation of the material universe through the exploration of the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances. Chemistry will help you to understand the links between the macroscopic properties of the world and the subatomic particles and forces that account for those properties. The application of chemistry enables us to make sense of the physical world.

Course outline

Unit 1: Properties of Atoms and Materials and Chemical Reactions

Unit 2: Intermolecular Forces, Aqueous Solutions and Rates of Chemical Reactions

Unit 3: Chemical Equilibrium and Oxidation and Reduction

Unit 4: Organic Materials and Chemical Synthesis


Course overview

Physics is the study of the nature and properties of matter and energy and how they interact with each other. It is an investigative and experimental science that involves formulating and testing hypotheses through analysing phenomena in order to understand how the universe works. Physics values methods of precise measurement, reproducible experimentation and powerful mathematical relationships. Physics frequently represents theories and phenomena mathematically. The knowledge and understandings of Physics is constantly expanding, contributing to new information, ideas and theories to explain observations and experiences.

Course outline

Unit 1: Thermal, Nuclear and Electrical Physics

Unit 2: Linear Motion and Waves

Unit 3: Gravity and Electromagnetism

Unit 4: Revolutions in Modern Physics

Year 10 Science

Course overview

In the Year 10 curriculum students explore systems at different scales and connect microscopic and macroscopic properties to explain phenomena. Students explore the biological, chemical, geological and physical evidence for different theories, such as the theories of natural selection and the Big Bang. Atomic theory is developed to understand relationships within the periodic table. Understanding motion and forces are related by applying physical laws. Relationships between aspects of the living, physical and chemical world are applied to systems on a local and global scale and this enables students to predict how changes will affect equilibrium within these systems.

Students at Shailer Park SHS can elect to study Biology, Chemistry or Physics Preparation classes. These classes teach the Australian Curriculum for Year 10 with a dedicated focus on the skills required of students in the Year 11 and 12 ATAR Curriculum. Students work to develop data analysis skills, evaluate claims and master subject specific terminology. These units form a strong foundation for Units 1 and 2.  

Junior Secondary

Year 9 Science

Course overview

In Year 9, students consider the operation of systems at a range of scales. They explore ways in which the human body as a system responds to its external environment and the interdependencies between biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems. They are introduced to the notion of the atom as a system of protons, electrons and neutrons, and how this system can change through nuclear decay. They learn that matter can be rearranged through chemical change and that these changes play an important role in many systems. They are introduced to the concept of the conservation of matter and begin to develop a more sophisticated view of energy transfer. They begin to apply their understanding of energy and forces to global systems such as continental movement.

Term 1: Heat, Light, Sound and Circuits

Term 2: Ecosystems and Geological Change

Term 3: Chemical Structure and Reactivity

Term 4: Reactions of Acids and Homeostasis

Year 8 Science

Course overview

In Year 8, students are introduced to cells as microscopic structures that explain macroscopic properties of living systems. They link form and function at a cellular level and explore the organisation of body systems in terms of flows of matter between interdependent organs. Similarly, they explore changes in matter at a particle level, and distinguish between chemical and physical change. They begin to classify different forms of energy, and describe the role of energy in causing change in systems, including the role of heat and kinetic energy in the rock cycle. Students use experimentation to isolate relationships between components in systems and explain these relationships through increasingly complex representations. They make predictions and propose explanations, drawing on evidence to support their views.

Term 1: The Rock Cycle

Term 2: Chemical Reactions and Changes

Term 3: Cell Biology

Term 4: Energy in Systems

Year 7 Science

Course overview

In Year 7, students describe techniques to separate pure substances from mixtures. They represent and predict the effects of unbalanced forces, including Earth's gravity, on motion. They explain how the relative positions of the Earth, sun and moon affect phenomena on Earth. They analyse how the sustainable use of resources depends on the way they are formed and cycle through Earth systems. They predict the effect of environmental changes on feeding relationships and classify and organise diverse organisms based on observable differences. Students describe situations where scientific knowledge from different science disciplines has been used to solve a real-world problem. They explain how the solution was viewed by, and impacted on, different groups in society.

Term 1: Separating Mixtures

Term 2: Classification and Ecological Interactions

Term 3: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Term 4: Earth Science

Last reviewed 27 May 2019
Last updated 27 May 2019