SHARING SPACES – A place for everyone

The Resource Centre is the hub of the school community. It is where students engage in research and study, recreational activities and where friends meet to have a quiet chat and relax.
As reading is a key priority of this school, the library updates and maintains an extensive collection of fiction and non-fiction books. Students are encouraged to make suggestions about resources for purchase as we value their ideas, which keeps the collection current and uniquely targeted to our reading audience.
Online facilities allow students to undertake assessments and investigations, both in class, as well as during their breaks. Comfortable lounges create a welcoming place and space for students to use at lunch times, to relax, read, and play games such as Scrabble, chess and the ever-popular UNO. The communal jigsaw puzzle, drawing and colouring activities, giant-sized connect 4 and giant chess set provide fun and entertainment for all year levels.
The Resource Centre is a drawcard for students of all ages, interests, and curriculum needs. In effect, the centre has a space for everyone.