Follow our Facebook page for the next meeting details
Invites are sent to members via email before each meeting. We welcome all new members, please fill out a membership form to get involved.
Our executive team can be contacted via
| Natasha McVeigh
Vice President |
| Tina Menadue
Secretary |
Why should I join?
- You can have input into your School.
- You can build relationships with the School and wider Community.
- You can provide feedback to the school from a parent perspective.
What do we do?
- We play a vital role in setting goals for the school, e.g. we are involved in the school budget, student resource scheme, the Uniform policy and we endorse many innovative programs to be rolled out through the school.
- We help raise money for various school activities and projects.
- We source funding for specific projects in the school through Government Grants.
How can I be involved?
- You can be involved as little or as much as you want to.
- Join the committee and attend meetings to have your input.
- Maybe you have a talent for a specific thing — Do you love flipping sausages on a grill? Have a flair with flyers and brochures? Do you love a chat and want to help us fundraise? Volunteer at an event? –
You get to choose.
How do I join?