Digital pedagogies is a vital part of Teaching and Learning at Shailer Park SHS. As part of the BYOD program, students have access to online learning resources via a list of core application and online platforms to: enhance learning, provide access to resources and get feedback from teachers.
Access to the Showbie online learning platform External link. Please note, that moving forward Shailer Park SHS is transitioning from Showbie to QLearn and, as such, from 2026, Showbie will no longer be available.
- Students with classes within Showbie should enter their class code once logged in (codes supplied to students by teachers)
- Students should follow along with the lessons provided with the class
QLearn is Education QLD's online learning management system. As a school, we will begin transitioning to QLearn throughout 2025, with full implementation in 2026. Students can access QLearn from the below link:
Additional Resources
- Access MIS webmail External link
- Students are to sign in using their MIS username and password (the same details that they would use to log into a computer at school)
- Students than select 'mail' from the options