The humanities and social sciences at Shailer Park SHS are the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental, business, legal and political contexts. The humanities and social sciences have a historical and contemporary focus, from personal to global contexts, and consider challenges for the future.
Through studying Humanities and Social Sciences, students will develop the ability to question, think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, make decisions and adapt to change. Thinking about and responding to issues requires an understanding of the key historical, geographical, political, business, legal and societal factors involved, and how these different factors interrelate.
Further to this, LOTE is designed to enable all students at Shailer Park SHS to learn a language in addition to English. Languages recognises that students bring their own linguistic and cultural background to their learning. It is an opportunity to discover another culture and develop their communication skills with other groups of people.
All of the Junior Secondary subjects build a foundation for students' Senior Schooling options.