The purpose of the Academic Academies at Shailer Park SHS is to provide our community with an authentic, public pathway for highly capable students. At its core, the Academic Academy aims to provide differentiated learning opportunities and a rigorous curriculum for highly capable students, in order to prepare them for any pathway in both senior secondary and life post schooling. The Academic Academy cater for students' areas of passion and talent with two streams: NEXUS (STEM Excellence) and ALTUM (English and Humanities Excellence).
Both academies provide an environment that differentiates for high ability students that focusses on providing students with the opportunity to participate in a rigorous and extended curriculum that is engaging, challenging and relevant to a real world context. As part of these academies, students will be exposed to a range of learning experiences that will require a depth of knowledge and understanding, application of range of critical and creative thinking, inquiry and collaborative skills. NEXUS and ALTUM classes are offered in Years 7, 8, and 9 and have a strong emphasis on team work and relationship building that promotes student ownership of their learning through reflection and goal setting. Both streams provide a direct pathway to specialised senior secondary subjects and tertiary education.
Opportunities within NEXUS and ALTUM:
As part of these academies, Academic Academy students are offered a range of superior learning opportunities. These include:
- Highly individualised and differentiated educational programs in Maths and Science or English and Humanities
- Access to community partnerships with universities
- Opportunities to participate in regional, state wide and national academic competitions
- Termly excursions to leading universities
- The opportunity to engage with a range of guest speakers
- Engaging curriculum with a real world context – problem and inquiry based learning
- Use of ICTs in the classroom to enhance learning
- Academic coaching
Entry Conditions:
- To be a part of either Academic Excellence Academy, students are agreeing to adhere to the following:
- Be the best learner that I can be: think critically; work both collaboratively and independently; challenge myself and reflect on my learning
- Be 100% committed to my learning and receive no less than Very Good or Excellent for behaviour and effort in my subjects
- Maintain no less than a B for achievement in all core subjects (English, Maths, Science, Humanities)
- Pursue my passions to actively contribute to the school culture
For any questions regarding Academic Academies please contact Head of Teaching and Learning.
Academic – Altum Felicity Torresan
Academic – Nexus Mornay Hanson