The goal of this page is to assist parents and students in setting up their school device, intended to use with the Shailer Park SHS BYOD program. This is done by registering your students device with our Mobile Device Management (MDM) tool Microsoft Intune. Through Intune we are able to automatically install the required Wifi settings and distribute school owned versions of the applications your student will need to install for class.
To successfully complete the following tasks you will need the following.
- Your Students Education Queensland Username.
- Your Students Education Queensland Email Address.
- Your Students Education Queensland Password
- Your Students BYOD Device is setup and on the home screen.
- Your Students BYOD Device is connected to the internet.
Student Usernames and Passwords
Education Queensland Usernames a generally created with the first letter of a students given name, and the first four letters of their surname.
ie. Peter Parker would get a username like 'ppark123'
Occasionally a students middle initial is used and only the first three letters of their surname is used
ie. Peter Benjamin Parker would get a username like 'pbpar77'
Student emails are simply their username @eq.edu.au or from our first example Peter would get the email ppark123@eq.edu.au
We are unable to view student passwords, however if you know your student has previously attended an Education Queensland (EQ) State School and have any questions reguarding their username or password, please contact the admin office and we can assist you.
If your student is from out of state or has for any other reason not previously attended an EQ School they may have to wait until after their first school day to recieve their school account information.
Preparing your Device - Windows/MacOS
Before registering a personal device to the schools Mobile Device Management tool, it needs to be setup for personal use. For both Windows and MacOS you will be required to setup an account with the correct provider (Microsoft for a windows computer or Apple for a Mac Computer) and use that to complete the initial devices setup.
It is strongly reccommended that students do not use their school email for setting up a personal device.
Student accounts are only remain active whilst enrolled in an Education Queensland School so to avoid getting locked out of personaly owned devices, it is recommended that you use a personally created email.
It is possible with both Apple and Microsoft for Parents who already have an account to create 'Child' Accounts on behalf of their children.
This can be usefull for sharing purchases and assisting with passwords.
Getting Started with Microsoft Family Saftey External link
Finally, for MacOS and Microsoft Windows devices, the students personal account (the one they are using to sign into the deivce) needs to be an administrator on the device. This is required by the MDM so it can correctly install its profiles.
What is installed by the MDM
Currently we utilise the MDM to install 4 Profiles to student devices.
- The Wifi Profiles (Can be more then 1 depending on the school)
- A Security Profile (That forces the device to have a password/lock)
- An Email Profile (This sets up the students email account in the default email application on their device)
- If not already installed, installs the company portal app (which can be used to download school purchased applications).
Currenlty we are not able to distribute apps via the company portal app to Windows or MacOS devices.
Enrolling your device - Windows 10
If required please click here for a copy of the transcript (DOCX) External link of the video.
Enrolling your device - Windows 11
If required please click here for a copy of the transcript (DOCX) External link of the video.
Enrolling your device - MacOS
If required please click here for a copy of the transcript (DOCX) External link of the video.