


Student Fees

In accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, the cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the education of students enrolled at State schools is met by the State. Parents/Caregivers are directly responsible for providing textbooks and other personal resources for their children.

Shailer Park SHS operates a Student Resource Scheme (SRS) that enables parents to enter into an agreement with the school.  The annual participation fee covers the temporary use of prescribed textbooks and/or other resources, and/or the purchase of consumables and materials for students to use in class.  A SRS Participation Agreement Form must be completed by all enrolling students.

A range of curriculum, sporting and cultural excursions and camps will be offered throughout the year.  Invoices will be issued prior to the excursion.  No late payments will be accepted for excursions after the due date (generally one week prior to excursion; earlier for camps).

Participation in excursions, camps, The Academies and VET certificates is contingent upon SRS fees being paid in full or a payment plan activated by Week 5 of Term 1 each year.

Requests for refunds must be submitted on the Refund Form which includes the Refund Policy.

Schedule of Fees                               

The full schedule of fees are listed in the SRS Fees and Extra-Curricular Levies Payment Arrangement Form.

Preferred Payment Options


Please use the CRN (Customer Reference Number) located on the bottom left hand side of your invoice. This will take you to a secure site for all payments – receipts are issued immediately to you and our records updated hourly. You also have the option to email the receipt to Accounts Receivable at

BPOINT By Phone with a credit/debit card

Please call 1300 BPOINT (1300 631 073). When making a payment please have your invoice ready as you need your CRN(Customer Reference Number) and invoice number which is located on the bottom left of your invoice.

Payment Plan

Via EDDR (Electronic Direct Debit Registration) - Please fill our the Payment Arrangement Form.

Contact Account Receivable at to discuss a payment plan suitable to your budget that utilises your credit/ debit card.

Centre Pay

For those families who receive Centrelink payments each fortnight- a direct debit arrangement may be organized between Centrelink, our families and Shailer Park State High School where school fees, levies etc are paid off fortnightly over the course of 15 fortnights. 

You are able to arrange your deductions to be started by completing a form through school.


QPARENTS is a secure, online portal created by the Department of Education and Training to provide parents of Queensland state school students with twenty-four hour access to their child's information.
Please refer to your QPARENTS APP to : Retrieve invoices and check account balances and more .

Need QPARENTS ? Please email to have your unique invitation code resent. 


Payment via EFTPOS only - We are a CASHLESS SCHOOL


The School utilises the QKR app for payment of non-invoiced optional items

Last reviewed 12 December 2024
Last updated 12 December 2024